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Get back into shape this summer with us!

Updated: Jun 12, 2023

What if I told you, you don't need to lift heavier at the gym or go for any extra reps to get the body of your dreams? You can still sculpt your abs in the gym and you should most definitely continue to eat healthy but maybe you are looking for the missing link to sculpt your body without killing yourself.

Shouldn't all your dieting and exercising be enough to get rid of that excess of stubborn fat? But that is not always the case. So many different factors can affect why we hold on to fat such as genetics, too much stress, hormonal imbalance such as producing too much estrogen which causes the body to retain more fat and perhaps, its just your lifestyle!

I want you to know that you CAN help your body achieve optimal results with non-invasive fat-freezing services that we offer here in St. Pete, FL! This state of the art therapy will be applied by a Cryo Technician who will use a hand held wand in order to apply very cold temperatures to the area that you struggle with (Stomach, Arms, Back, Chin etc).

This therapy is powerful enough to destroy stubborn fat cells but gentle without harming the skin!

Lose fat and get noticeable results in just 30 minutes. Tone, tighten and slim down with our fat sculpting treatments! Call NOW or text the word YES to 727-325-6484 to get an special introductory discount and complete details on how you can too, start transforming your body with less to fully enjoy your Summer this year!

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